The Crying Cat Meme: A Viral Sensation Explained

The Crying Cat Meme: A Viral Sensation Explained

The internet is a breeding ground for viral sensations, and one such phenomenon that captured the attention of netizens worldwide is the “Crying Cat” meme. This peculiar image, featuring a distressed feline, has become an emblem of relatable sadness and has found its way into countless social media posts, forums, and online conversations. This article will delve into the origins, meaning, and enduring popularity of the Crying Cat meme, exploring why it has resonated with so many people across the digital landscape.

The Crying Cat Meme: Origins of the Crying Cat Meme

The Crying Cat meme originated from a photograph of a white cat named Smudge, whose expressive face and tearful eyes became an instant hit when the image was posted on Tumblr in 2018. In the original picture, Smudge is seen sitting in front of a plate of vegetables while appearing to cry. However, the meme’s popularity skyrocketed when combined with another image known as the “woman yelling at a cat” meme. This juxtaposition created a humorous dynamic that quickly spread across various social media platforms, creating countless variations and adaptations.

The Crying Cat Meme: Symbolism and Interpretation

The Crying Cat meme’s widespread appeal lies in its relatability and versatility as a form of expression. By capturing a moment of apparent distress, the image resonates with the human experience of sadness, frustration, or disappointment. This relatability makes it a perfect vehicle for conveying various emotions in an amusing and relatable manner.

The tear-streaked face of the Crying Cat has been humorously associated with everyday situations that evoke feelings of sadness or failure. Whether it’s a relatable anecdote, a comical retelling of a personal mishap, or a commentary on societal issues, the meme allows individuals to share their experiences in a lighthearted and relatable way.

Memetic Evolution and Adaptations

Like many viral phenomena, the Crying Cats meme has undergone countless iterations and adaptations. Internet users have quickly seized the opportunity to create their own versions, often pairing the image with witty captions or overlaying it onto other popular meme templates. The flexibility of the meme has enabled it to transcend language barriers and cultural boundaries, making it a truly global phenomenon.
Furthermore, the Crying Cat meme has found its way into other artistic mediums, including fan art, animations, and even merchandise. Its enduring popularity has led to its incorporation in various digital subcultures, such as gaming communities and online forums, further cementing its place in internet culture.

Impact and Legacy

The Crying Cat meme’s impact on internet culture cannot be underestimated. It has become a recognizable symbol of internet humor and a shorthand way of conveying relatable emotions. Its widespread use has created a shared language among internet users, fostering community and understanding.
In addition to its cultural significance, the Crying Cat meme has also had economic implications. Merchandise featuring the meme, such as t-shirts, stickers, and phone cases, has become popular among fans, further solidifying its place in popular culture.


The Crying Cat meme’s journey from a single photograph to a global sensation is a testament to the power of internet culture. Its relatability, adaptability, and humor have allowed it to transcend the digital realm and become a significant part of popular culture. The Crying Cat meme will likely endure as long as the internet continues to thrive, providing countless laughs and relatable moments for internet users worldwide.

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