Funny cat videos on youtube

Funny cat videos on youtube

Welcome to the world of funny cat videos on YouTube! If you’re a cat lover, you know that felines are naturally hilarious creatures with their playful antics and quirky personalities. And what better way to brighten your day than watching these furry little comedians in action? From kittens getting into mischief to cats making their best impressions of humans, we’ve got it all covered in this article. So please sit back, relax, and prepare for serious laughter as we delve into the wonderful world of funny cat videos on YouTube!

What are the benefits of watching funny cat videos on Youtube?

Watching funny cat videos on Youtube is not only entertaining, but it also has several benefits. For starters, these videos can help to alleviate stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that watching animal videos, in general, can reduce cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) and increase oxytocin levels (a hormone associated with happiness).

In addition, watching funny cat videos can provide a much-needed break from the daily grind. It’s easy to get bogged down by work or other responsibilities, so watching some hilarious feline shenanigans can be a great way to recharge your batteries.

Moreover, if you’re feeling lonely or sad, watching cats do silly things is what you need to boost your mood. These fluffy creatures are known for their ability to make us laugh and smile – even on our worst days.

Sharing funny cat videos with friends and family members can help foster social connections and enhance relationships. Laughing together over something as simple as a goofy kitty video can create lasting memories and bring people closer together.

So next time you find yourself scrolling through Youtube looking for something fun to watch – look no further than the world of funny cat videos!

A list of some of the funniest funny cat videos on YouTube

If you’re a cat lover, then you know that watching funny cat videos on YouTube is one of the best ways to brighten your day. Here are some of the funniest and most popular cat videos on YouTube.

First up is “Keyboard Cat.” This video features a feline playing an electronic keyboard in time with a catchy tune. It’s been viewed over 60 million times since uploaded in 2007 and has inspired numerous parodies.

Next, we have “Surprised Kitty,” which shows an adorable kitten looking shocked when its owner tickles it for the first time. The video has garnered over 100 million views since it was posted in 2009.

Another hilarious cat video is “Cat vs Printer.” The clip shows a curious kitty attacking a printer as the paper emerges, causing chaos in the office. This viral sensation has received over ten million views since being uploaded in 2011.

“Talking Cats” is also worth mentioning – this compilation video showcases different cats meowing and making other noises that sound like they speak English! It’s been watched more than five million times since its upload date back in 2013.

Last but not least, “Nyan Cat” combines two internet phenomena: cats and rainbows. This animated gif features a Pop-Tart-shaped feline flying through space, leaving behind trails of rainbows while upbeat music plays along with it!

These are just some examples of how funny cats can be!

The best times to watch funny cat videos on Youtube

Are you having a rough day at work? Did your boss give you another pile of paperwork to finish by the end of the day? Or are you simply feeling bored and uninspired? Well, there’s no need to worry because funny cat videos on YouTube can instantly turn your frown upside down!

But when is the best time to indulge in some cat video therapy?

First off, avoid watching them during important meetings or while driving. Safety first! However, watch some funny cat video if you have free time during your lunch break or after finishing a task.

Another great time to watch these hilarious felines is before bed. It’s been scientifically proven that laughter decreases stress hormones and releases feel-good endorphins. So why not end your day with a good laugh courtesy of our furry friends?

Rainy days are perfect for snuggling under a warm blanket, wearing comfy socks, and watching cute cats do silly things on Youtube. Trust us; it will brighten up even the gloomiest weather outside.

When you’re stressed or bored, take a quick break and watch funny cat videos on Youtube. Your mental health will thank you!


Watching funny cat videos on Youtube has many benefits. It can help reduce stress, improve mood, and even boost productivity. With so many hilarious videos available online, it’s easy to see why they have become such a popular form of entertainment.

Funny cat videos are the perfect solution whether you’re looking for a quick laugh during a break or need cheering up after a long day at work. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the best content that Youtube has to offer!

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